Monday, 22 May 2017

The End of Windows XP is in September 2017

Well, if we go with Microsoft's definition of 'End of Support' for Windows XP, it is already dead with no support from the last 2-3 years. But, what about the numerous PCs still running the operating system? The OS is still running really well on my office workstation and without ever encountering a security issue or even a hardware (i.e. device driver) problem. In addition, Microsoft has continued to provide critical security updates for Windows XP from time to time.

Mostly those who are still using Windows XP are on older hardware and do not even intend to use this OS on newer hardware. And, with nearly 15 years of security patches and service packs, I believe Windows XP must be one of the most secure OS out there. Most security problems that occur are due to human error and not a magical problem with the software/hardware. Its basics of not opening suspicious email attachments, or not giving out your passwords, and such. Just basic precautions are required to hold off major security issues.

Even then the OS has aged, not due to itself, but due to hardware/software vendors deciding not to support it. To me, the work of an OS is to run the end user software on the underlying hardware. Till the OS has the device drivers of the underlying hardware and the software vendors are supporting the OS, till then the OS will not be obsolete. This was going really well for Windows XP, until Microsoft decided to push its unsuccessful OS namely Windows 8 down the throat of its user base. We all know what happened with Windows 8, it got decimated in a couple of years. But, even then for profit, greed, money, for greater good of its overlords, Microsoft made a pact with hardware vendors to stop making device drivers for Windows XP and only support Windows 10, the new version of Windows 8 but without the full screen start menu.
This was the turning point, the death knell, the nail in the coffin for Windows XP on newer hardware. Only the old legacy hardware are now where Windows XP will work. Now what happened is that the software vendors also decided to abandon this OS.

But still, even now, most software still do work on Windows XP. What is the most required software that you use daily on the OS? For me, its the browser and office suite. On the browser front, the latest bundled browser in Windows XP is Internet Explorer 8, which is old and not well supported by most of the websites. The two main browsers currently are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. First Google Chrome stopped support and now Mozilla Firefox has given September 2017 as the end of support date. To further elaborate the Google thing, Google has also made official that the sign in page for all Google services wont even open in older Google Chrome versions. So, till September 2017, that is when Mozilla Firefox end its support, you will be able to optimally/securely open websites. After September 2017, you will be left with no other option but to upgrade Windows or jump to another supported OS.

On the office suite front, the LibreOffice team has announced that they are dropping support for Windows XP from version 5.4 of its office suite. The current 5.3 version has its last update in October 2017. This is near to the end of support date of Mozilla Firefox. So, by September 2017, LibreOffice would also have its near end in Windows XP.

What are the options left: You could jump to Windows 10, but this will cost you dearly (in money). Or, you could have a go at the various Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) OS. In the FLOSS options, you could go with:
For super stability and mission critical OS - CentOS
For a well rounded OS - Ubuntu (and its various derivatives - I suggest Peppermint OS)
For casual use - Manjaro